Announcing CTX-II Testing, a cartilage and joint health marker

September 4th, 2018 Meridian Valley Lab is pleased to announce the arrival of a new marker that will help assess joint health, C-telopeptide of type II collagen (CTX-II). MVL now measures CTX-II in a single 2nd morning urine collection or 24-hour urine collection to assess cartilage damage and bone turnover due to arthritis or heavy

Kraft Prediabetes Profile

The Kraft Prediabetes Profile measures blood sugar and insulin response to a measured glucose challenge over a period of several hours.

Kraft Prediabetes Profile: Patterns Overview

A Summary of Dr. Kraft’s Data: Dr. Kraft, a clinical pathologist, ran 3,650 glucose-insulin tolerance tests. Dr. Kraft was looking for diabetes mellitus and was not particularly looking for hypoglycemia. Many of his tests were ran for only three hours or four hours. For this reason, the new Kraft Prediabetes Profile should not only yield