The Link between Blood Viscosity and Cardiovascular Disease

Important evidence for the link between blood viscosity and cardiovascular events was provided by the Edinburgh Artery Study in a random population of 1,592 men and women aged 55 to 74 years, who were followed over a mean period of 5 years. After adjustment for age and gender, mean values for both blood viscosity and

Treatment Monitoring: Preventing Cognitive Decline

Meridian Valley Lab’s Blood Viscosity Test can be used as an advanced diagnostic tool for pre-screening and monitoring patients receiving therapies to prevent cognitive decline. In a 2010 report of the Edinburgh Artery Study, which is the largest and longest running prospective study of blood viscosity, blood viscosity was shown to predict cognitive decline over

Whole Blood Viscosity vs. Serum and Plasma Viscosity

Meridian Valley Laboratory is the only clinical reference lab that provides a comprehensive blood viscosity profile, which includes both systolic and diastolic blood viscosity measurements. There are many reference laboratories and pathology departments of hospitals that can provide clinical viscosity testing, however these tests are for serum and plasma viscosity, not whole blood. Additionally, a

2/16α Estrogen Metabolite Ratio

This test measures the ratio of 2-hydroxy (E1-Estrone +E2-Estradiol + E3-Estriol) to 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone (2/16 ratio) in a random urine sample. Considerable evidence indicates that this ratio is relevant as a risk factor for estrogen-sensitive diseases including breast and cervical cancers, osteoporosis, and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Diet, dietary supplementation, and certain drugs have been shown

The Anticancer Testosterone Metabolite 3β-Adiol

Published in: Townsend Letter By. Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD Age-related decline of testosterone in men is often seen as part of the “normal” aging process. Why, then, does the risk of prostate cancer increase with age? We could blame it on declining hormones, but not all men with declining (or elevated, for that matter)

Urine Nitrates Test

Nitric Oxide is one of the primary vasodilators in the body. Nitric Oxide is important for blood pressure regulation and overall cardiovascular health. Nitric Oxide also contributes to healthy perfusion of the genitourinary system. The Meridian Valley Lab Total Urine Nitrates test provides a clinically important tool in the evaluation and management of erectile dysfunction