Clinical Significance of 5a-Reductase Activity

5a-Reductase (5AR) is the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of (among others): Testosterone → 5a-DHT Androstenedione→ androsterone Cortisol → allo-tetrahydrocortisol Measuring the levels of the above hormones and metabolites in urine and blood, we can quantify overall 5AR activity. In urine, two ratios are commonly used to assess 5AR activity: Androsterone : Etiocholanone Allo-tetrahydrocortisol :

Ensure Effective Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: Select the Right Hormone Test for Your Patient

Published in: Longevity Medicine Review By: Lara Pizzorno, MDiv, MA, LMT, with Pushpa Larsen, ND Part I: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Saliva, Serum and Urine Tests Treating the sequelae of the age- and stress-related decline in adult hormones with bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT) can restore more youthful hormone levels and significantly alleviate symptoms associated with

Oxytocin: New Therapeutic Approaches

Oxytocin has been called “The Love Hormone” and the “The Hormone of Happiness.”  These somewhat one-dimensional monikers belie a multi-dimensional collection of important actions that oxytocin exerts within human physiology. Oxytocin is a peptide hormone made of nine amino acids and is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland in the brain.  Oxytocin was first discovered

Kraft Prediabetes Profile: Patterns Overview

A Summary of Dr. Kraft’s Data: Dr. Kraft, a clinical pathologist, ran 3,650 glucose-insulin tolerance tests. Dr. Kraft was looking for diabetes mellitus and was not particularly looking for hypoglycemia. Many of his tests were ran for only three hours or four hours. For this reason, the new Kraft Prediabetes Profile should not only yield

Early Detection of Insulin Resistance for Improved Patient Outcomes

Published in: Townsend Letter Twenty years and more ago, when many of the practitioners reading this article were in medical school, we were taught that a fasting blood glucose measurement was an adequate screen for blood sugar issues. As long as it was below 100, it was considered normal and therefore of no consequence. Even